Fun with Plants: Air Layering (pt.2)
/Success on our cacao air layers! Here are steps to check when your air layer is ready for the next steps:
1. Take a peek into the attached ball of dirt and check for root growth. If the entire thing is soft roots, it’s ready to come off the branch!
PIctured: Checking out the root growth
2. Cut the branch off the plant and find it’s next happy home.
Pictured: Newly cut air layer branch
3. If you were able to let the roots grow to full maturity, you can put it straight in the ground, if not, give it some time in a pot and let it grow stronger roots.
If you decide to put it straight in the ground, be sure to turn the dirt and make sure it’s nice and nutritious for the new plant (ex., adding compost, fertilizer, charcoal, and mulch).
pictured: Putting newly cut air layer branch in the ground. soil has been turned and fertilized
Lastly: love it, water it, fertilize it, talk to it, let it do its own plant magic, and one day it will feed you!